ParCo2011 Conference Proceedings
The proceedings were published as Volume 22 in the book series Advances in Parallel Computing by IOS Press, Amsterdam, New York, Tokio. The title of the book is:
Volume 22 Advances in Parallel Computing
Edited by: K. De Bosschere, E. H. D'Hollander, G. R. Joubert, D. Padua, F. Peters.
May 2012, 688 pp., hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-61499-040-6
Electronic Version of the ParCo2011 Proceedings
An electronic version of the proceedings, which contains colour graphics and images, is available at
Individual e-versions of papers can be ordered.ParCo2009 Conference Proceedings
The printed version of the conference proceedings is available. Please check The title of the book is:
Parallel Computing: From Multicores and GPU's to Petascale
Edited by: B. Chapman, F. Desprez, G.R. Joubert, A. Lichnewsky, F. Peters and T. Priol
April 2010, 760 pp., hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-60750-529-7
Electronic Version of the ParCo2009 Proceedings
An electronic version of the proceedings is available at then select Book Series and Advances in Parallel Computing. Then click "Go to e-Book". Individual copies of papers can be ordered. These copies contain colour graphics and images in contrast to the printed version. Aternatively go to
The title of the ParCo2007 proceedings is:
Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications
Edited by: Christian Bischof, Martin Bücker, Paul Gibbon, Gerhard Joubert, Thomas Lippert, Bernd Mohr, Frans Peters
The ParCo2007 proceedings were published in two versions:
1. In the book series of the Von Neumann Institute for Computing, Research Center Jülich as Volume 38, ISBN 978-3-9810843-4-4. (This version was distributed to all registered participants and is not for sale.
2. In the Advances in Parallel Computing series, IOS Press as Volume 15, ISSN 0927-5452 / ISBN 978-1-58603-796-3. This version can be ordered via book stores. Please check
Electronic Version of the ParCo2007 Proceedings
The ParCo2007 conference proceedings are also available in electronic form with the option for readers to order electronic versions of individual papers. See