Parallel Computing 2007
organized by
Forschungszentrum J�lich and RWTH Aachen University
4 to 7 September 2007

in conjunction with
Advanced OpenMP and MPI Tutorials
3 September 2007



ParCo2009 will be held in Lyon, France, September 1 to 4, 2009 hosted by the �cole Normale Sup�rieure de Lyon.

Aims and Scope

ParCo2007 marks a quarter of a century of the international conferences on parallel computing that started in Berlin in 1983. This makes ParCo the longest running series of international conferences in Europe on the development and application of high speed parallel computing technologies.

The high scientific standard of the conference presentations and the refereed proceedings have become the hall-mark of ParCo. The scientific program combines keynote and contributed papers, mini-symposia on particular topics as well as an industrial exhibition and industrial session.

The aim of the conference is to give an overview of the state-of-the-art of the developments, applications and future trends in high-performance computing for all platforms. The conference addresses all aspects of parallel computing, including applications, hardware and software technologies as well as languages and development environments.

Special emphasis will be placed on the role of high-performance processing to solve real life problems in all areas, including scientific, engineering and multidisciplinary applications. Practical experiences and evaluations are also of interest.


The ParCo 2007 conference was supported by the following companies and institutions. Their support enabled the organization of a number of highlights, e.g., student awards, and keeping the conference fee at the same level as in recent years.

Forschungszentrum J�lich
D-52425 J�lich
Central Institute for Applied Mathematics (ZAM)
Information Imprint

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